Tag Archives: gun culture

The Way of the Superior Man

25 May

The Way of the Superior Man: Rape culture. Gun culture. Culture of violence. I’d say “may the victims rest in peace,” but their families won’t – and there will only be more violence from alienated, disgruntled white boys who drown in privilege and entitlement, when they rage against their own insecurity.


I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m furious. Those poor families. What is wrong with us? We allow our society to be driven without direction, and it consumes its collateral not whole, but in a million pieces.

If you think for a second that you’re the master of your own agency, think again. We are what we eat and the bread is rotten. I’m most sad for today’s children because they will inherit the culture we maintained.

Can we please take the blindfolds off and say, “enough?”